On Page SEO Factors #1

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Page Title – absolutely the most important factor on page. If you do nothing else, make sure you get this right!

You can see the page title at the top of your browser and it’s the blue underlined line that appears at the top of each result in the search results.

Whilst there is no absolute maximum length for a page title, there is a maximum of around 60 characters displayed. I use an Excel spreadsheet with the title in one cell and the next cell measuring the length using the formula =len(A1). That way I can use as many possible characters in my title.

Like the rest of the Western world, search engines read from left to right. They are thought to give slightly higher priority to words appearing earlier in the title but it’s best to write titles for humans as they’re the ones who you want to click on your link.

The next part of the course is about the page description, the part that (maybe) appears below your link in the search results.